Established January 1, 1947
Oldest Black Greek Organization in PBC
Bro. Alfred Fields - Foundation President
Bro. Morris Bell - Foundation Vice President
The Sphinx®: Our Magazine - Current Issue
Since the founding of Alpha Phi Alpha’s Sphinx magazine in 1914, the African-American community has looked to the publication for its profound insight on issues of the day. The Sphinx® is preserved in libraries and archives across the country as a historical record of occurrences in the community. The Sphinx® is the nation’s second-oldest African-American publication still in existence.
The Sphinx® Magazine has one goal: to be the source of innovative ideas for members/readers to utilize to create, lead, and transform their communities. Since its inception in 1914, The Sphinx® has a proud tradition of being one of the world's preeminent fraternal magazines, publishing cutting-edge, authoritative thinking on key issues facing today's communities.
For over 90 years, The Sphinx® has directly influenced several generations with contributions and readership that include world renown activists, political leaders, entertainers, athletes, and businessmen. By using a positive and intellectual editorial focus, The Sphinx® has cultivated an honest, open relationship with our readers (specifically the African-American male) that no other fraternal publication can match. We cover the issues and feature prominent leaders. We applaud their achievements, share their concerns, and encourage their dreams.
By creating an editorial atmosphere that's conducive to receptiveness, believability, and brand identification, The Sphinx® has maintained its place as one of the indispensable mediums needed for reaching African-American men.
View older issues HERE